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Who I am
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I'm Anna Nacci.

First of all I'm a pianist and I'm very fond of Music.

I got a degree in Political Science at Bologna and I'm a sociologist. I wrote an experimental dissertation studying over 6000 questionnaires; its name was "Children, television, families and society in Puglia". Communication becomes a very important item in my career, together with music and social matters.

The first important job did was with children "at risk"; they were called "at risk" becasue of their social, economical and family situations. I created musical and theatrical workshops and courses as creative languages to enforce socialization and integration.

I was interested in ancient and trance rituals as well, so I studied ethnic and anthropological matters; above all the use of music in different cultures. In the meantime my passion for worldwide music encreased every day

In 1999 I started my radio program



In 2000 I started my reasearches throughout metropolis, concerts and little towns feasts and celebrations. I thought it was necessary to organise some conferences and meetings. So the neologism "Neo-tarantism" was coined.

Thanks these works I had the good fortune and the big big pleasure to meet Georges Lapassade and we worked together about the Neo-tarantism.



I was extremely sure that music was one of the most important languages and means useful to improve psychphysical conditions of the human being, so I began to think about a project that could use music in order to improve socialization, dynamics of solidarity and development of the communication among prisoners.

So the project JESCE FORE was born, and I worked for two years at the Rebibbia Nuovo Complesso male jail and for one year at the Ravenna mail jail.

The team of Jesce Fore

The project JESCE FORE was carried out leading groups, creating the possibilities to discover and express emotions, embarrassments, supporting the group and each one of them using music and several arts and instruments to facilitate the expression to own emotions.


In 2014 I officialized my profession as a Counselor at the Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti.

Since 2014 I conceived an international humanitarian project adressed to children: WE ARE THE CHILDREN. In October 2014 we went in Ghana; in 2016 we've been in Kenya and Greece.. We were in Kenya again in 2018

In March 2015 a new transmission came to life TARANTULA RUBRA FOR CHILDREN, whose aim is to introduce the radio listeners to the hopes and dreams of children having arrived on the Italian coasts and hosted at the Sprar Teranga in Torre S. Susanna (BR).


In 2018 I get my diploma as Intercultural Mediator in order to welcom the better we can refugees and people in needs form Africa and Asia.

In 2019 I enjoy CNCP, socia n.11280, Counselor Professionista.

Starting from January 2022 I begin to work with theatrical companies with my workshop "Prolegomeni per una psicologia dell'incontro - Eros e Psiche"

During the years I have published some novels and essays; furthermore articles of mine have been published for newspapers and magazines talking about ethnomusicology matters

This is my last release:


Kimerik, 2018


S(U)ONO CHI SAI, Sensibili alle foglie, 2014

JESCE FORE, Tarantula Rubra, 2007

NEOTARANTISMO, Stampa Alternativa, 2004

NEOTARANTISMO, Besa, 2001 (curatrice dell'edizione)

TARANTULA RUBRA, Ed. Radio Onda Rossa, 2000

NEW YORK, CAM, Ed Insieme, 1996

A(M)ARE DI VIOLE, Ed Insieme, 1994



DVD We are the children, watch the video

JESCE FORE, Won the first prize at the Epizephiry Film Festival2008 as the best documentary.










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Contact Anna



Scrivi a: anna.nacci@libero.it